Volunteer for this event
Volunteer details
Volunteer Details
We need you!
Do you or someone you know live with a migraine or headache disorder? Strike back at this pain by joining our team!
Volunteers are needed to help plan and prepare for our races, as well as on race day. See the sections below for the various ways you can get involved.
We'll provide you with a free Miles for Migraine Volunteer Shirt for joining us!
Event Day Volunteers
Race Day Volunteers 8:30am-12pm
Set-Up: Volunteers are needed to help our staff set-up the festival area.
Registration: Must be organized, have ability to work at a fast pace and familiar with race registration process to assist in this area.
Pre and Post Race Nutrition: Prepare the water, sport drink, snacks, and medal area for our participants as they cross the finish line.
Clean-Up: Help our staff break down and clean up the festival area.
Course Monitors: Volunteers are needed to be cheerleaders on the course and make sure participants are going in the right direction.
Cheerleaders: If you are unable to walk or run, this is the perfect way to be involved and support all who are walking and running! Welcome participants back through the finish line.
For more information on volunteering at the West Virginia Miles for Migraine event please contact:
Katie Morrison
Sign Up using the Volunteer Now button below!